Monkey Mart

Monkey Mart

In Monkey Mart, you can run a grocery store much like in real life. Take on the role of a friendly and helpful monkey. In this area, you can plant fruit trees that will eventually supply the market stalls. Foods like bananas, corn, and many others will be available. They'll be handed out to customers, who will then patiently wait for you at the register. Earn money and develop your land.

The money you make from the store's operations can be used to level up your player, gain access to other careers, or hire more people to assist you in running the store. Use the key to unlock hidden options. You can unwind with the help of a cute store and some sociable monkeys.


  • The monkey manager theme is a cute twist on the traditional store manager.
  • Stunning visuals and audio.
  • Gain access to additional, compelling content.
  • Manage your time and inventory better.


The arrow keys control the action.


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